Horse Fields

A meeting with OCHL’s head, Helen Horne, and the new project manager, Rebecca Jacob, was helpful but we are still awaiting the planning application for the Horse Fields. We asked for wide publicity of the application; however the Council is only obliged to advertise it in the local press and to post up the regular planning notices. However FOIV will advise as soon as it is made public and the statutory consultation period of 21 days starts.

Regarding the Memorial Field, OCHL advised that it will be managed by Oxford Direct Services (ODS).

Iffley Mead

The proposal is for 89 houses, with traffic exiting through Augustine Way. We have not yet received notice of the application for this, and we do not know whether the proposal is at the pre-planning stage. We will advise as soon as more information is forthcoming from the County Council (the owners of the field).

Cycle Route across Donnington Recreation Ground

You may have seen the trees with tape around them on Meadow Lane, and the notices up about ‘Consultation to start soon’. This is in regard to the Council’s plans to create a new route for cyclists across the Rec, to try and discourage use of the direct, diagonal track and to protect the football pitches. Many are unhappy with the proposed felling of trees, and the possible routing for the track will need to be fully examined. We will advise when more is known. These tapes and notices have now been removed, and a certain amount of cutting back of trees has been undertaken. 

FOIV Committee

PLANNING MATTERS 4th April 2022 Read More »