Event with Peggy Seeger 
FOIV had a successful event in the Village Hall in early September – our first since the pandemic. Some 50 people came along and we were able to go into the garden area as well. Peggy Seeger added her stardust to the evening with some lovely songs, blending her humour and wit along with her skill as a musician and her warmth. 

Events from the past - video recordings

In the 1990s and into the 2000s a number of plays and musicals were performed in Iffley Village Hall. The first was the Musical in 2 Acts, 12 scenes – Freely based on Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart. This was produced and directed by Pemma SpencerChapman and Judith Judd (wife of the then vicar Rev. Peter Judd). 

A video of the performance was produced by the brother of Faith Goodwill who played Nancy. The quality of the recording starts poor and improves in some of the scenes: this is a link to the recording (in .mp4 format).  The actors, all from Iffley village and the locality, ranged in age from eight to 80.  A copy of the programme will be made available on this page in due course.

The next play was a pantomime, Snow Green and the seventeen and a half dwarves, written by Anne Borrowdale with music by Pemma SpencerChapman.  Here is the link to the recording