Join Friends of Iffley Village

Friends of Iffley Village welcomes new members from the village, its surrounds, past or present. Just download this form, print it out and fill it in, then drop it at the village shop addressed to the Membership Secretary, FOIV. 


  1. FOIV is the Iffley Village association, the contact point for local authorities such as Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council and the Police on issues like highways, traffic issues, parking, yellow lines, planning, security, trees/hedges, noise, and potholes, among others.
  2. FOIV aims to protect the essential character of Iffley Village and its Conservation Area for the benefit of its residents, businesses and visitors.
  3. FOIV tries to strengthen links with the wider community of Rose Hill, Donnington and others.
  4. FOIV’s free newsletter, website and emails keep people informed of news and what’s going on locally.
  5. FOIV members have their say in the activities and direction of the village association.
  6. FOIV runs social events and tries to foster inclusivity in the locale by working with and supporting other groups, for example in organising the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.