March 2023


Keeping Iffley and wider community updated


Although the consultation deadline has passed you can still send in comments directly to the Case Officer Michael Kemp. These comments will be considered.

If you haven’t yet commented and would like to, write to: citing Application Reference no: 22/03078/FUL

The proposal: 32 homes on the Horse Fields, with the entrance for 30 on Meadow Lane, and 2 on Church Way. Build is for 161 people,
for whom only 15 car parking spaces (including car-share) are offered, with an additional 2 spaces for the houses off Church Way.

Allocation of the site in the Council’s Local Plan 2036 was contingent on several factors, including: (1) the development would
‘enhance and protect’ the Iffley Conservation Area, and (2) biodiversity would be ‘preserved and enhanced’. The OxPlace proposal currently fulfils neither of these criteria.

The Case Officer has informed FOIV that OxPlace’s ‘application is not in a position to be determined in its current form’. He is ‘awaiting revisions to a range of documents based on consultee responses which will each need to be reviewed.’ The application will not go to the Planning Committee in March, and indeed, given that ‘a comprehensive set of new information’ has been requested of the Applicant, the earliest realistic date would be May, though it ‘will likely be later than that.’

‘Consultee responses’ include an independent Planning Assessment, commissioned by the Iffley Crowd Fund, five expert reports commissioned by FOIV or offered pro bono, and reports by Iffley Village residents with relevant expertise. These reports are available on the FOIV website, and on the Oxford Planning Applications website. We recommend starting with MWA Planning Assessment conclusions: 7 points outlining why permission should be refused (pp. 43-44). This Assessment, plus our experts’ reports point to numerous deficiencies in OxPlace’s Application.

An unprecedented number of people, more than 1100, also sent in individual responses, of which the overwhelming majority object to the Application. These responses come from Iffley and the wider East Oxford area, from all over Oxford, as well as from national and international visitors with connections to the village. The historic, rural character of Iffley, and its quiet green lanes are much loved locally and further afield.

When we have further information, we will share it here, and via our email newsletter. Please sign up with us, if you’d like to be kept informed via email.

FOIV Committee extends its warm thanks to everyone who participated in the public consultation. Your efforts have made a real difference. Thank you.

For more info visit the Friends of Iffley Village website:

FOIV Committee
Bulletin 23 05 – 8 March 2023

PLANNING MATTERS 8th March 2023 Read More »

Horse Fields application and affordable housing

The affordable housing would be better delivered nearby on Iffley Mead: The proposed provision of 32 affordable homes can be met nearby at the Iffley Mead allocated site by increasing the amount of affordable housing built there and reducing the proportion of housing built for profit. This site can support denser housing as it lies outside the Conservation Area. This is a clear, proximal and more sustainably sited alternative for the proposed housing provision, with much lower environmental impact on the meadows and quiet route. The question of such alternatives has not even been considered in the application, despite the established policy requirement to avoid environmental harm where possible.

The suggestion that a higher proportion of affordable housing could be met at Iffley Mead is not a suggestion that the numbers of houses proposed at Iffley Mead ought to be increased. It is a suggestion that the proportion of those houses given over to what the Council calls ‘affordable’ tenure types (ie shared ownership and social rent) might be increased from the current figure of 50%. This would require the City Council and the County Council to work together for the common good, including protecting the biodiversity and public benefits of keeping the Horse Fields and Memorial Field undeveloped. As the City Council have felt able to propose 100% affordable at the Horse Fields there would appear to be no basis for suggestions that greater than 50% at Iffley Mead is ‘unviable’. We are looking to the City and County to adopt a joined up approach to land use planning in accordance with their obligations under law and planning to seek the least environmentally damaging options for delivery of housing.

Horse Fields application and affordable housing Read More »


Keeping Iffley and wider community updated

Court Place

Monthly community liaison meeting with Feltham continues.

I am pleased to report that Site Manager Pete McCarthy is back on site though working part time.

Feltham’s are planning to hold an event to allow those interested to have a tour of the site. This could be around Easter.

OUD have shared preliminary hoarding designs for East Gate and Rivermead Road. The ideas and information we sent have been taken into account in developing the design. OUD are keen to finalise the design and enhance the site with a hoarding that provides useful information for the public.

New Planning Applications

2300253/FULLast Date for Comments 30th March
AddressThe Malt Barn 96 Church Way  
DescriptionFormation of a rear hut on existing raised decking (part retrospective). This is on the river bank
21/00154/VARLast Date for Comments 1st March – comments can still be submitted
AddressCourt Place, Gardens
DescriptionAlterations to landscaping, amendments to the ASHP enclosures and installation of additional solar panels, removal of substation roof and removal of first floor windows and alterations to maisonette porches.

FOIV Committee
Bulletin 23 05 – 2nd March 2023

PLANNING MATTERS 5th March 2023 Read More »