Keeping the village and wider community updated


A decision on the planning application is now unlikely before mid-September. The case officer Clare Gray has informed us that:-

‘We’re still awaiting Heritage and Urban Design advice as well as Ecology advice. Once this has been received we will know more. At the moment, we have not needed to request from the applicant any further information.’

FOIV have met with OUD and had a productive meeting:-

  • OUD acknowledged the comprehensiveness of our planning response and that it had caused them to review a number of areas
  • Their technical team have reviewed our comments and are preparing responses to submit to the planners. OUD will share this with us before its submission
  • We reiterated our concerns over the brickwork solution. The matter has been raised by FOIV with David Prout, Pro Vice Chancellor who requested our submission and said ‘I will be discussing with OUD over the coming weeks. I am sure some of these points can be dealt with’.
  • Progress was made in getting OUD to realise that communication must improve. They have acted on our suggestions and confirmed that
    o A newsletter is to be produced this week
    o They will actively look at setting up a Court Place website
    o Update notices to be displayed at the entrances
  • They continue with design development and have agreed to set up a session in second week of September to share this information
  • Demolition is planned for the New Year
  • Tenders have been sought from 4 contractors, appointment October
  • A planning submission for the Mansion House and Lodge is to be submitted shortly. Heritage specialists are involved.
  • OU Woodland forestry works have been approved and could start in September

Any question please email Copies of this notice are available in the shop, please communicate this update widely.

FOIV Committee