Donnington Cycle Track application is live

Deadline Thursday 15th December 2022

Ref 22/02446/CT3 Removal of existing fencing and formation of footpath and cycle path and associated landscaping works. | Donnington Recreation Ground Freelands Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 4BT

You can have your say – see the link below. FOIV have concerns that the route favoured by the Council is unnecessarily damaging as it will clear a substantial number of the group of mature willows and other trees adjoining Meadow Lane – this causes it to fail to comply with new statutory provisions under the Environment Act 2021. FOIV maintains there are less damaging ways to address pedestrian and cycle damage to the football playing surface, and deliver a surfaced cycle link around the edge of the recreation ground. The submitted option simply creates a new ‘desire line’ (diagonally across the Rec from Meadow Lane to Arnold Road) that may just move the damage to another part of the playing fields. The proposed route will not prevent people continuing to cross the Rec on the current ‘desire line’ ie diagonally from Cavell Road to the current exit. This exit is to become a kissing gate – not great for disabled users. The new proposed exit is on an incline that might lead to added danger for users of the Quiet Route caused by cyclists coming too fast on to Meadow Lane.

See link to OCC planning portal