PLANNING MATTERS 12 December 2021


The plans were approved, unanimously, at the OCC Planning Committee Meeting held on 22nd November.

Subsequently Phil and Troth held a meeting with OUD

  • A contractor will be appointed before Christmas, final interviews are currently being undertaken, shortlist of four
  • Demolition programmed March/April, likely duration 3 months
  • The overall completion date is Sept 2024 (student move in)
  • A Newsletter is planned for around end of the year/New Year
  • FOIV asked if a ‘meet the team session’ could be set up for stakeholders so everyone can fully understand what will be happening. OUD thought this was a good idea.
  • Design development continues. Landscaping etc
  • More particularly the treatment of the ends of the buildings has been reviewed. Featured brickwork considered but the approach being taken is to green the ends – planting
  • The approach to the brickwork has been reviewed, with consideration to having two types of bricks. It is now felt having different mortars would be a better approach. Review continues.
  • Finalising window reveals and roof details to enhance apearance
  • OUD confirmed that the project would be registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme. And contractors are to work to the requirements of CLOCS Construction Logistics and Community Safety – which will improve management of deliveries and vehicle movements

FOIV Committee