Keeping the village and wider community updated

This is the first of what will be regular FOIV Bulletins to keep you up to date on planning matters.

The purpose of this bulletin is to cascade information received from OCHL on Thursday 24th June about investigation work which will take place on the Horse Field next Tuesday 29th June. We have received two statements from Will MacKay the OCHL Development Manager:-

‘We will be conducting an initial utilities survey next Tuesday. This won’t involve any works other than inspection of relevant areas and shouldn’t last more than a day. I would appreciate you relaying this information onwards.
The consultant team has eluded they may bring a portable toilet so please be aware of this arrival.’

And subsequently

“We will commence with buried services clearance by a specialist contractor who will walk the site and scan each proposed exploratory hole. After each exploratory hole has been completed the RSK engineer (Antonia Chennells) will direct the wheeled JCB to each exploratory hole and excavate a trial pit to approximately 3m depth, undertaking sampling and testing as it proceeds. The pits will be supervised full time and on completion they will be backfilled with arisings with any surplus spoil mounded neatly at the surface.
Access is to be determined on the day, but it is considered that this will be via the gates off Church Way. A small portable toilet will be provided on the site for our staff and will hopefully be collected on the day of the site work, but if not a day or so later”

After the first email we sought clarity from OCHL about precisely what was to be undertaken. Also asking for clarification on the second statement, especially with respect to ‘services clearance’ and information contradictory to that previously given that one trial pit was to undertaken. We are contesting the decision to bring heavy machinery onto the meadows, causing ecological damage before planning permission has been granted.

We will keep you updated when we get further information. On the day of the works Will MacKay the Development Manager is the point of contact should anyone have concerns about how the work is being undertaken. 07483 098621.

We know people are very interested in planning issues. FOIV will keep you posted in subsequent Bulletins. The immediate priority was to let you know OCHL’s actions on the Horse Fields.

Copies of this bulletin are available in the shop for you to pass on to those who otherwise may not see it.

FOIV Committee