Keeping the village and wider community updated


We are days away from the deadline, 7th July, for you to make your personal comments to Oxford City Council (OCC). There are already fifteen comments posted. EITHER via Adrian Arnold, Esq., Director of Planning Services Oxford City Council (SA02) 109 St Aldate’s Oxford OX1 1DS Ref: 1 Court Place Gardens 21388/FUL, OR online to

Oxford University Developments (OuD) have helpfully provided us with hard copies of the 135 planning submission documents. Displayed in the shop are a selection to assist you in assessing the proposals.

Many of you attended the ‘drop in’ sessions at Court Place. As members of the Committee of the Friends of Iffley Village (FOIV) were in attendance at all these sessions, they were able to get a good impression of your views – some supportive, some critical. They have also reviewed the proposals, and have come forward with the following points which we will be submitting to OCC’s planners on behalf of the Village:

We continue to support the redevelopment in principle. OUD has made above-average attempts to meet some concerns; however, the plan submitted to Oxford City Council, without consultation, is still a long way from being satisfactory, much less exemplary, from the promises made in February 2020.

FOIV has now met with OuD and pointed to four key areas that need more work or reassurances:

1 Above all, the proposed housing is disappointing to say the least. In appearance, density and height it neither enhances nor fits in with the semi-rural nature of Iffley.
2 The current ecology and other environment surveys have deficiencies.
3 There seems to be a lack of measurable carbon reduction performance targets, especially for the construction phase, but also in respect of performance of the resultant buildings.
4 Despite the efforts of the village to contribute to a fitting and successful outcome, OuD has not lived up to promised best practice consultation.

In the light of these deficiencies, we are expecting OCC’s planners to set appropriate conditions which OuD must meet before formal approval of the planning application is given.

Members of FOIV’s Committee met the OuD team on Wednesday and had constructive discussions on these matters. FOIV expect OuD to improve its communications with the community as we have the same goal: to deliver a housing project that enhances the Iffley Conservation Area. In response, OuD has committed to this. We will see.

Your concerns about access into Court Place from the Eastchurch gate Jennifer Waterhouse OuD has clarified the matter

There will be no vehicular access onto (or from) Court Place Gardens through the Eastchurch Gate, and the current pedestrian route through the site will be retained and improved. The hard surfacing around the Gate Lodge and the Mansion House will remain as it is currently, to allow for access to these buildings for wheelchairs and service and emergency vehicles. There are also two accessible parking spaces in this area that will serve the Mansion House.

The main vehicle route through the site is shown in purple in the plan. Because access will be required for emergency vehicles, there will not be a physical barrier at the end of the purple route, but there will be a change in surface material, and signage that permits access for authorised vehicles only. Any vehicles parking in the two accessible parking spaces will require a permit to do so.

Oxford University include wording within the standard tenancy agreements that prevents students from bringing a car into the city unless they have been granted a permit to park within the site. This has been agreed with Oxford City Council. Having reviewed the historic use of cars of the site, we believe the parking provision, alongside the cycle parking provision, will be sufficient for the residents on the site.

FOIV Committee