Summary of FOIV survey about the Horse Fields
In July 2021, FOIV sent surveys to all 361 paid up members (this includes those lapsed members who have just paid their subs). 187 surveys (52%) were returned. The results have been input to a spreadsheet with a random check on 10% for validation, showing fewer than 1% errors. The survey results represent the views from the membership rather than the whole village and answers are anonymous.
The results from the questionnaire are displayed on the accompanying bar chart.
There was a significant majority in favour of keeping the fields green (79%) and the quiet route quiet (81%). There is huge concern about traffic (92%) and infrastructure (92%), including amongst some of the 12% of respondents who think the Horse Fields are suitable for a housing development. 75% would like OCC to reconsider the developments in the light of the Climate Emergency, and 78% favour brownfield sites.
Miscellaneous points from the comments (hard to capture everything):
- Court Place is seen as different because it is a redevelopment, and access is via Rose Hill.
- Fears that Memorial Field ‘s fate is dependent on the Horse Field and should not be overlooked.
- Request for Iffley Mead development not to be waved through because access is also awkward and 84 houses is a lot.
- Appreciation of the explanations on the survey and of opinions being sought.
- Antagonism from some who want to see housing on the Horse Fields and claim the survey is biased and unrepresentative.
- No clarity on the preferred future (green) use of the Horse Fields, and ambivalence on the benefits of access over pure nature.
- Concern that by opposing development we don’t have a chance to focus on/input to development designs. Details of any development are critical in the event it goes ahead.
- Scepticism that OCC will listen to anything.
- Is there a conflict of interest between OCC and OCHL that merits a judicial review?